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Thursday 31 July 2014
For King and Country!
Here at Panther we look forward to give more visibility to the excellent work done by our small, but bristling with talent and imagination, community of scenario developers. This is the first piece in a, we expect, long series featuring the contributions made by those members of the community who have come to terms with the powerful scenario, map and order of battle editors bundled with Command Ops.
[{Sea Lion - Rye}]
The landings area. Check here a higher-res image. |
The Germans coming ashore. High-res image here. |
The 2nd Battalion, 61 Infanterie Regiment at the gates of Rye. High-res image here. |
Greg Taylor keeps an excellent blog where he's made available a number of mods and scenarios for games like Arma III, Iron Front: Liberation and DCS. Besides visiting alternate history settings, he's also made a very interesting scenario for Command Ops covering the battles of the 82nd and 101st US Airborne divisions to secure the inland routes for the forces coming ashore at Utah Beach on D-Day.
Meet the Community Work: Sea Lion - Rye